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[Proxy] Battle For Gilneas - Rogue PvP
Wow Assassination Rogue PVP 5.4 Surekid-Darkspear Battle for Gilneas Pwnage!
WoW Rogue random Battle for Gilneas PvP
[Proxy] Rogue / Boomy 2v2 - Rogue PvP - Mop 5.2
Proxy's Rogue Discussion and World PvP
Warcraft 5.4 PvP Rogue - Battle for Gilneas RBGs)
5.4 RBG! Battle for Gilneas!
Rogue PvP 5.4 - BG with Mercader - Proxy
Rogue Sub 85 bg Battle for Gilneas
The battle of Gilneas (rated bg)
Proxy Duels!: - Rogue vs Rogue Dueling Guide - 5.2 PVP Mists of Pandaria
WoW Rogue PvP 5.2